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dc.contributor.authorMarcillo Vera, Patricio-
dc.contributor.authorCusme Vélez, Lorena-
dc.contributor.authorTorres Bastidas, Jimmy-
dc.description.abstractMobile applications and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are widely used tools in various sectors such as business, health, and education, in the latter, mobile applications have an important role for teaching-learning methods. In Ecuador in 2021, there were low levels of acquired knowledge in the logical-mathematical approach in students from 3 to 10 years old, so it is required to innovate in effective teaching learning methods for students at preschool level. The objective of the study was to evaluate preschool students through a mobile application designed based on gamification techniques for the improvement of logical mathematical skills. For this study, the learning objectives standardized by the Ministry of Education of Ecuador (MINEDUC) were evaluated. In the results obtained, it was determined that a group of students is in a beginning stage to acquire skills to achieve knowledge and another in the process of acquiring knowledge. It is concluded that gamification is an alternative for the improvement of teaching-learning methods and an optimal mechanism for its application are mobile devices and ICTen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipInstituto Superior Tecnológico Japónen_US
dc.publisherInformática y Sistemas: Revista de Tecnologías de la Informática y las Comunicacionesen_US
dc.subjectaplicación móvilen_US
dc.titleEvaluation of logical-mathematical skills in preschool students through digital gamification in Santo Domingo, Ecuadoren_US
Appears in Collections:ARTÍCULOS CIENTÍFICOS

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